The project Practicing Design is promoting work based learning and development of transversal and entrepreneurial skills in the design education by developing and testing a set of innovative trainings. The aim of the project is to find new and innovative design practices that can help bridge the gap between education and professional working.

The main project output is Practicing Design Training Programme that fosters the development of transversal skills and promotes the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences. This programme can be implemented in a curriculum of Design Faculties or as a VET programme through sectors' associations and organizations in the context of life-long learning and up-skills of young professionals.

The Practicing Design Training Programme was developed through the exchange of good practice between 7 regional partners' organizations from 3 countries – Austria, Croatia, Macedonia, coming from the field of education, business and sector alliance in order to improve the quality and efficiency of design education and make it correspondent to the social and economical needs of the design sector in the region.